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Why Are We So Quick To Say Things Online That Might Offend People?
I read an article this week about being unoffendable.
The thing is, it’s made me think an awful lot. There are so many things that we can find to take offence at nowadays. Sometimes I think it could almost be made a competitive sport. People choose to be offended, often by the smallest things. We take people’s opinions to heart; we make judgements on what people say, we just can’t seem to help ourselves, and rather than just agreeing to live and let live, we get offended.
This can often lead to massive disagreements, even within families, where these can cause rifts, and years being lost to family feuds. We’ve become a nation of keyboard warriors, where it’s okay to say anything online, and yet, if anyone dared to say some of the things we post online to our faces, we would become very deeply offended.
The fact is, sometimes, we really need to look at what we post online, and assess whether we would say it to someone’s face, because if we wouldn’t, then, really.. we shouldn’t be posting it online.
I absolutely hate the title of ‘snowflake’, but in some ways (although it has been massively misappropriated), it…