The Ties That Bind

Story Snippet

2 min readDec 26, 2021


Photo by Ben Blennerhassett on Unsplash

Lily was sat in her room, the room that she had shared for so many years, and it seemed so much bigger now. So much emptier. She shook her head, feeling tears coming to her eyes when she thought about it. About her.

She hadn’t spoken about her since she’d died. Her parents kept begging her to see someone, and to speak to them, but she refused. She just wouldn’t agree to it.

She couldn’t accept help, because she didn’t feel like she deserved it, so instead, she put up a wall between her and the outside world. Between her and everyone else. She didn’t want to talk to anyone about her. She couldn’t.

It was getting dark in the room now, and she knew that she should get up and turn on a light, but she found the darkness strangely comforting. In the darkness, she couldn’t see the emptiness of the room, and the loss of Leah didn’t seem quite so tangible.

She closed her eyes, but as the image of Leah formed in her head, she opened them again, the pain that flooded her head, threatening to overwhelm her. She longed for the numbness that had immediately followed Leah’s death to return. She knew it seemed wrong, but she couldn’t cope with these new feelings that seemed to be rearing their ugly heads.




Level 38|Wales|Writer|Artist|Crafter|Chronic Health Warrior|Fibromyalgia|DID|CPTSD|&