Member-only story
The Storm
The rain falls hard,
Splashes my window pane,
All attempts to go out,
They are completely in vain.
The storms roll in,
And then they blow.
Clouds roll over,
They go with the flow.
And as I gaze on nature’s wrath,
I’m amazed by the power and beauties,
And think upon the aftermath,
Of nature’s happy whimsies.
I’m a member of the best writing community online. It’s called the Ninja Writers Club . If you’re a writer, you should really check it out. There are lots of awesome classes, write ins, accountability, and just the feeling of being in a community of people who love writing just as much as you, is pretty amazing.
I really can’t explain how much this community has helped me. My writing quality and productivity has improved dramatically. Seriously.
Here’s the link if you want to check it out: Ninja Writers Club
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