Member-only story
A Belated Fiction Friday
Her face fell as she peered into it, and then her eyes began to flash and Laine knew that she was for it.
“It’s empty!” her mother exclaimed. “Laine, I ask you to do one simple thing for me and you can’t even seem to do that!! Where have you been and what have you been doing if you haven’t been to the market?” she demanded, and then, her eyes fell on Hamiss and Kurdah, who she was not particularly fond of on a good day,
“Oh, it’s you two. I suppose you have something to do with this. I don’t know, you always seem to bring trouble with you whenever you come anywhere near me! Never mind, I’ll go myself and then, maybe I’ll actually get the shopping I asked for before night fall!” she said, snatching the basket from a speechless Laine, and opening the gate, walking through it and off down the path that Laine and the two fauns had just come down, muttering to herself all the way until they could no longer hear her.
I’m a member of the best writing community online. It’s called the Ninja Writers Club . If you’re a writer, you should really check it out. There are lots of awesome classes, write ins, accountability, and just the feeling of being in a community of people who love writing just as much as you, is pretty amazing.
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