The End Of January, The Beginning Of The Weekend

And some thoughts about that and my writing process

2 min readFeb 3, 2023


Photo by Nick Morrison on Unsplash

Dear Hearts,

Here we are on the cusp of another weekend, and I must admit I’m quite glad that it is Friday today.

I’m also very glad that January is over. It’s weird, I always love the thought of the new year, but then January comes along and all of the hope and promise kind of gets swamped by the post holiday, deep winter, sucky weather blues.

This January has been spectacularly unproductive, due in large part to my ongoing sickness. It’s more than that, though. I think a lot of it has to do with how much I pushed myself in December.

In December, I transcribed a novel, finished Series One of 5G{hosts}, plotted Series Two of 5G{hosts}, dictated a novel and did another deep edit of my contemporary YA novel.

This sounds like a lot, and it was. I was very pleased with how productive I was able to be.

But, this amount of productivity comes at a cost, and I think for me, that cost has been burn out.

I’m not sorry that I did so much, but it has sharpened my awareness of my limitations. It has also forced me to think about processes in my writing that work, and processes that don’t.




Level 38|Wales|Writer|Artist|Crafter|Chronic Health Warrior|Fibromyalgia|DID|CPTSD|&