Member-only story
They say it’s where the heart is,
A safe space for you and me,
Four walls, some windows, and a door,
Soft plush carpets on the floor.
They say it’s somewhere you make,
A place that can’t really be bought,
For the truth is, a house is not a home,
It takes people to make it so.
They say you can be who you really are,
When you’re there in its warm embrace,
With no one to judge, and no one to harm,
You no more need to hide.
They say it’s a place for us, both of us,
A haven of peace and of calm,
We are safe in this space, and no longer alone,
Now that we have this place called “Home”…
I’m a member of the best writing community online. It’s called the Ninja Writers Club . If you’re a writer, you should really check it out. There are lots of awesome classes, write ins, accountability, and just the feeling of being in a community of people who love writing just as much as you, is pretty amazing.
I really can’t explain how much this community has helped me. My writing quality and productivity has improved dramatically. Seriously.
Here’s the link if you want to check it out: Ninja Writers Club
Fair warning, this is an affiliate link. It won’t cost you any extra to click on it, but it can help me to earn something if you sign up using it. :)