5G{hosts} Series One, Episode One, Scene Four

The Academy — Allanah

5 min readOct 13, 2022

Allanah sighed and closed her maths book on her tablet as the speaker above them rang out, announcing the end of class. She picked up her bag, and tossed the tablet inside.

“Talk about boring.” Suzanne picked up her own tablet and tapped into her social media feed. The separate branches of social media platforms had long since amalgamated into one combined service, all run, of course, by The Corporation. Suzanne didn’t really care about that, though. She opened up the camera app, smiled brightly and took a number of selfies in rapid succession, which she uploaded immediately to the cloud.

Allanah smiled at her friend. Suzanne could get away with a number of things, mainly because she was just thirteen. She was what The Corporation liked to call “gifted”. She was two academic years ahead, and was a science whizz, tipped to be employed in The Institute pretty much immediately after graduation.

Allanah, on the other hand, was very much average. She was not particularly good at anything academically, to her parents’ disappointment. Her only claim to fame was that she was the first student from The Academy to have been chipped and connected to The Network.

It was something that her parents took great pride in, and something that…




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